Testimonials with Waiora Products

These stories and accounts are not intended to be a guide for diagnosis or treatment of any conditions, but just individuals and their feedback.
Keiko, female, age 72 At the end of Oct 2004 (11 months ago) Keiko was diagnosed in Japan with class 3 cervical cancer. At the recommendation of her doctors she underwent 28 rounds of radiation therapy. At the end of those treatments her doctors told her they had eradicated the cancer in her cervix. Keiko’s daughter, Felice, had a recommendation from her doctors here in Hawaii that Keiko should really have a PET scan in Japan to check and make sure it hadn’t spread anywhere else. It had indeed metastasized to every lymph node in her body.
Felice brought her mom to Hawaii in June of this year and the oncologists here said this was an extremely aggressive form of cancer. A CAT scan showed two more spots (on her lung and on her stomach) in addition to everything else. They would try 8 rounds of chemo therapy to put off what seemed imminent – but the prognosis was grim, they didn’t expect her to live even a year.
By the 5 th round of chemo therapy Keiko was so sick (nausea, vomiting and diarrhea) they decided to stop – that was three weeks ago. Instead they kept praying and kept using the natural supplements.
5 weeks ago a friend told Felice and her mom about NCD. Keiko took it for a week before she had to stop to accommodate the 5th round of her chemo schedule. This time she got so sick from the chemo she and her daughter decided to stop the treatment right in the middle of the round (3 weeks ago) and they continued with the NCD 15 drops 3X day starting the next day.
Three weeks later (Monday this week) Keiko had a follow up contrast dye CAT scan: When they walked in to her doctor’s office, he asked how she was feeling and what she’d been eating, and had a sort of perplexed look on his face. They didn’t know what to expect, but hoped and prayed there would be some positive news. Keiko didn’t just have a report that was good, it was beyond all expectations -- the doctor told Keiko and Felice there was not one single sign of cancer anywhere in her body. Not in any of the lymph nodes, not on her lung or stomach. Stunned, Keiko’s daughter even asked the Doc, “Are you sure? Who actually read the CAT scan?” and he reassured her it was definitely the expert, the radiologist, not just him! He was amazed too and said that less than 20% of his patients ever have such a thing happen, that even if there was great improvement they usually see some residual cancer still in the body but there was nothing here. Nothing. And the nurses were crying with emotion when they spoke with Felice and Keiko. As you might expect, he asked her what she was doing. Felice told him and the nurses to check out the Waiora website!
Keiko will have another CAT scan in three months to confirm she is truly out of the woods and meantime she will be taking her NCD every day!

My name is John Huber. I was told I had cancer in June 1997. The doctor told me he would take out my prostate and do radiation therapy. At that time I decided not to do this therapy.
I changed doctors and started eating healthy foods and taking a lot of vitamins.
I met Barbara Miller several years ago. We tried many different vitamins but none lowered my PSA and cancer. Two weeks ago I got a call to come to a Waiora meeting. When they talked about Natural Cellular Defense I got excited. I bought a bottle that Wednesday night and took one dose. I took the product for the next four days. On Monday I had a fasting blood test. On Tuesday my doctor called with the results. My PSA went from 11.4 down to 4.6, My cholesterol went from 216 to 181 and my sugar went from 190 to 116. My doctor told me he has to do these results again next month to confirm them. We are very happy with Natural Cellular Defense. Thank You Sincerely , John Huber

There was a tremendous testimony from a Hispanic man named Nikko today. Jim and Linda Crane had me overnight a bottle of NCD about 12 days ago to Kansas City ; the day they signed into Waiora.
Nikko was in the final stages of a serious pancreatic ailment. He presented to the physician the bottle I had overnighted to the Cranes and the doc said go ahead, it can't hurt all you are taking at this point is morphine. So twelve days ago, he started on the product, he is feeling much better and the color is coming back to his dark skin. In fact, Nikko went to see his physician today and the doc can't believe what he is seeing. Nikko has no sign of a problem with the pancreas area at all. He is so excited about his news and as you can imagine for the Natural Cellular Defense.

Last January (2005) my father-in-law had another surgery for bladder cancer. In this, and the previous surgeries, tumors were found and treated. Since last January he has worn a catheter bag to collect his urine.
A few months ago his catheter bag began to have blood in it. He continued to pass more and more blood, accompanied by a foul odor.
After testing his urine and blood, his doctor told him the cancer was back. The doctor explained that radiation treatments would likely follow the surgery, and maybe chemotherapy after that. Surgery was scheduled for Friday Sept. 2nd.
On Saturday Aug. 20th we got some "NATURAL CELLULAR DEFENSE" to him.
In FOUR DAYS the bleeding STOPPED and the catheter bag remained clear of any blood.
After a week on NCD, he woke one morning and his catheter bag was full of a sticky ugly gunk, and had a terrible odor. The catheter bags and tubes could not be cleaned, and had to be discarded and replaced.
From that point on there has been NO blood or odor in his catheter bag.
Friday, September 2nd, Carl underwent surgery. His doctor was surprised to find NO Tumors in his bladder! He said he was just sure there would be tumors there. Carl has also experienced an increase in energy since taking the "NATURAL CELLULAR DEFENSE". Ron
On August 15th I shared the information on NCD (Natural Cellular Defense) with my dad. I knew he would want to give NCD to his wife, Delora, who went through a bout of Breast Cancer last year, 2004. Delora had one breast removed during her bout with cancer. She also went thru Radiation and Chemotherapy. Before the Cancer and now afterwards, her main health problem has been and still is Emphysema. Her constant companion has been an oxygen canister which she carries with her everywhere she goes.
After only 4 days of taking 6 to 9 NCD drops 3 x daily...Delora has been able to move around (walk) more and become a bit more active than before....and even leave the Oxygen bottle behind while she is doing so. She is excited about the improvement and looks forward to even better days now. Their shipment of 16 bottles of NCD will be arriving this week. Delora has a daughter who has Lupus. She plans to give her a few bottles to see if she shows an improvement. Craig O.

I had a friend in MD Anderson Cancer Center in Houston , Texas with Leukemia and was coughing continuously from pneumonia. Some of you might know him by Jim Pirtle.
Last Thursday He started taking 15 drops three times a day of the Natural Cellular Defense product. The first day he completely stopped coughing. The Doctor said do not stop the drops. He left the Hospital today in Remission and is now an out patient. He will continue the drops faithfully. I thank my Savior for guiding the delivery by Donna with this product to Jim.
Mark McManis Lone Tree, Colorado
After hearing about the success of Natural Cellular Defense in regard to getting rid of warts, I decided to try it on a benign fibrous tumor called a histiocytoma which I have had on my leg for about 3 months. I used 1 drop daily on the tumor and within 10 days it was gone.
My dad has CLL Leukemia, Emphysema, and just recently diagnosed with Cancer in his throat. After 5 weeks of taking NCD, his Leukemia counts are much better. His oncologist was quite pleased and said he would be able to by-pass chemo for at least two months because of his improved blood counts. When Dad told him that he had been taking NCD, Dr. Johnson said he was familiar with the zeolite product and recommended for him to stay on it. The following week, Dad went to his throat doctor, and when the doctor looked in his throat with a scope, he could not believe what he saw. He said it looked so much better than when he observed it eight weeks before. Dad said his throat is no longer sore and feels much better. We believe that NCD is making a tremendous difference in Dad's health and very thankful.
My mom has started taking the product as well. She was also amazed on how the product has improved my dad's complexion as he has many skin cancer spots from overexposure to the sun as a farmer. We so appreciate you taking the time to share Waiora Natural Cellular Defense with us. It has been a huge difference in better quality living for my Dad and possibly his life! We will keep you updated on future improvements! Thanks again. Susie Wichita, Kansas
My daughter was diagnosed with colon cancer in January of 2004. After a nightmare of chemo, radiation and a severe staph infection she had finally arrived at a place where she was able to function but still not feeling well. Two weeks ago I was visiting her and noticed that she seemed to be in pain when she sat down. I was very concerned becaused I thought that indicated that the tumor was growing again. When I heard about Natural Cellular Defense I couldn't wait to get my hands on the product. One week ago today I took a bottle over to her. When I got over there she told me her legs were aching badly. I knew that wasn't a good sign. I told her to take 15 drops of NCD 3 times a day. After 5 treatments her legs felt better. Five days later the pain in her legs was gone. I believe NCD is an answer to prayer and it will certainly shake up the medical establishment in this country! Shirley Mulliken

I just wanted to thank you for bring the Natural Cellular Defense to the market. I was given a sample bottle after the Conference in Las Vegas and started using it immediately.
I have suffered from Shingles on and off for the last 33 years. About a month before the conference in Vegas I had a very painful and severe out break, I started taking the drops as recommended, three drops, three times a day. After doing this for three days all the symptoms that I was suffering from disappeared!!! I am so excited about the Natural Cellular Defense product, I can’t wait to receive my shipment and start using it regularly.
THANK YOU AGAIN, I am so proud to be a part of Waiora. Linda Bryant

My son Camron has been diagnosed as autistic since he was two year old and had stopped talking at that time. Camron is now 6 years old and he is an affectionate, smart, playful boy. However, he continued to have problems communicating, and overall interacting with others. The school has been working with him and we had made some progress. Camron had difficulty sitting for long periods of time as well. He had also had stomach problems where he would not eat or become constipated often. It is common in some autistic children to get a condition called leaky gut and although we never had him diagnosed for this, Camron was displaying some symptoms by having various stomach issues. We were introduced to NCD through a friend and business associate, Don Groth. He told us he had been using an all natural supplement that safely and effectively removes toxins from the body and he wanted us to try it because it had worked so well for him. I immediately thought of Camron because we knew that autism could be caused by metals or toxins in the body and since we believed this to be the case with Camron we decided to try it not just for ourselves but for Camron. Since taking the NCD,( we started Camron on 6 drops 3 times a day), we have been told that Camron can sit for 45 minutes to do class work, is talking more and interacting more with others. He will repeat words back which is building up his vocabulary. I can hardly keep up with the things he says now because he is observing and imitating the things he sees others do. As soon as he started taking the NCD, his eating habits automatically improved. Camron has been known to be a pretty good eater so when he would not eat much or not at all on a particular day, we knew that something was wrong Before he would not really eat as much and even skip lunch at school sometimes. With the NCD he has a healthy appetite again and no more stomach pains or problems. We are so grateful to have been introduced to NCD. Not only did Camron not have any bad reaction to it, it is odorless and tasteless so we would put it in any drink or food without Camron knowing. This worked out perfectly because Camron is very sensitive to certain food texture and will not eat or drink anything that tastes “funny” to him. We really enjoy the product and will continue to use it for the overall health of Camron and our family. Thank your Don and the Waiora Team, Chester & Christine Green
I have been taking Waiora Healthy Aging Formula and the Natural Cellular Defense now for about Four weeks. As you know I was in a terrible accident where a loaded semi truck rear-ended me from behind at they say about 50 miles per hour as I was stopped and signaling to make a left turn, I was rushed to the emergency room at Baldwin Medical Center by ambulance in Baldwin, WI about 6 years ago.
I had a broken lower back and a broken neck but it did not sever my spinal cord, I also had a cracked right knee. For four months they tried just therapy, and after I collapsed twice during therapy, they did a spinal gram they found the lower back had been splintered from my tailbone to my #4 lumber. First the specialist Dr. Butterman did a complete lumbar surgery, he fused all my lower lumbar to my #4 lumber. This was a 13 hour surgery where they open you up first in the front and take out your stomach to get at the front of your spine, then they put in the bolts and hardware,
put your stomach back in and turn you over and open you up in the back and finish bolting you together after taking out the tissue between each lower lumbar of the spine. I then was placed in a plastic cast type thing that did not allow me to move that area at all. After about a year and 6 months Dr. Butterman said that was solid enough to now go ahead and repair my upper cervical 3,4,5 in the neck, with another fushion, this was not as painful but it had left me with restricted movement in my neck and I was not allowed to drive. When that was healed solid enough, they went and did a total knee replacement of my right knee. The doctors told me I would never work again and would have to lead a very docile life. As you know, "docile," is not my style. During this time of recovery my wife filed for divorce and left me with her percentage of the court awarded some the court allowed me. She was ashamed of having a so-called cripple for a husband!
I did extra excercise during this past summer in the heat to regain the use of my knee to the point of complete exhaustion, I was then hospitalized in the intensive care unit at the Amery Medical Center 5 days were fliuds were put into my veins to keep me from death. Now I was a wreck and the doctors told me I had to realize I was not 35 years old but over sixty and had to lead this docile life style. That is when I tried extra vitamins and many other supplements to help my back pain. I could not get thru the day without about 6-8 powerful pain pills a day and could not work for more than an hour. I was not able to sleep more than two hours at a time even with 2 sleeping pills.
Then you introduced me to Waiora Natural Cellular Defense and their Healthy Aging Formula. As you said, put 2 drops on my tongue morning and night of Cellular Defense and 2 tablets of Healthy Aging Formula with breakfast and 2 at evening meal. I began to feel the difference in my body after about two weeks, I could sleep longer, did not have as much pain and could work about 4-5 hours before becoming tired.
Now this is what I did, I wanted to become pain free and so I took 4 pills in the morning and 4 pills at evening to speed up my continued feeling better. Down to 3 pain pills a day and some days none, but I developed a mild case of hives or itching. So I am back to 2 pills a day in the morning and 2 pills at evening meal and the itching as left me.
So a word of caution, " follow the directions on the bottle. "
I will never be remade to the age of 35 again but now as I can sleep and have 2-3 times the energy. I believe I can live with this. After my exam last week, my personal physician,
Dr Rimstad has lifted my 2 mile limit a trip one way to a 100 and maybe after the next exam it will be unlimited. He has asked me if I had found "The Fountain of Youth" and I said "Maybe Doc" I will tell you my secret at my next exam.
P.S. I had lost all my desire for romance but now with the loss of pain and the extra stamina, I think I could hold my own with any 40 year old female. It's hard to believe that I'm the same guy that was in bed near death in July, 2005! Art Groth Amery, WI 54001

My grandmother of 86 yrs has been in failing health for the past 3 years. She has emphysema, asthma and arthritis. For the past eight months her ability to even walk across her apartment has been a struggle due to lack of energy; breath and joint pain. She has literally not left her apartment except for an occasional doctor’s appointment in months. As my aunts and I would take care of her, the future seemed bleak. On August 16 th I visited her and shared some of the Waiora products, The Heart Essentials and the Natural Cellular Defense. I gave her the information, asked her to read it and gave her the product. I explained to her that trying it would not hurt her and if it helped it would be wonderful, but what did she have to lose? It was all natural and I was giving it to her!
She began taking the NCD right away and I spoke to her for the first time yesterday afternoon. Her voice was GREAT! Her exact words “Debbi, I FEEL WONDERFUL, I do not know what this has done but I can breath, my energy level is back and in fact, sorry I missed your call earlier, but I went shopping at Wal-Mart!” She said her ability to walk and her energy level had increased tremendously so please, order her more and she will pay for it this time!
I have not heard this excitement from her in a long time! Thank you Waiora and NCD for bringing life back into someone I love very much! Debbi Green… Tulsa Oklahoma
I have an elder golden retriever, Sam, who is 15 years of age. On August 16, 2005 he was diagnosed with cancer in the sinus cavity area. The vet explained that Sam was at the latter stages of his cancer and we should plan to put him down. They gave us 4 days of antibiotics for the associated infection. He could not breathe normally or without difficulty and blood was continually coming from his nose The reason for the 4 days was due to the plans to spend time with him and put him down on the 4th day, Saturday, August 20, 2005 . I had just received my supply of the natural cellular defense. I decided to try the product with my dog, Sam. I figured that there was nothing to lose. I gave him 6 drops on his tongue 3 times per day. I started on Wednesday, August 17, 2005 . By August 19, the blood had stopped coming from his nose and he was breathing easier. On August 20, 2005 , Sam stopped just lying on his bed and was up and around running in the back yard taking the other dogs toys to play with. Sam has continued to survive and has continued to run and play. I realize he is 15 years of age and will not live too much longer. However, I believe that the natural cellular defense is incredible in that it lengthened Sam's life.
I do a lot of work with gray horses. They have a significant number of benign melanomas. We’ve been using NATURAL CELLULAR DEFENSE internally and topically, and the melanomas are disappearing.
Their pH is becoming balanced. I have a test group, 1/3 of group of gray Arabian horses are on the NATURAL CELLULAR DEFENSE. It’s phenomenal how they are progressing.
Metal toxins can be from preservatives in vaccines. We have horses that we haven’t found anything to help with mercury in their cells. With the NATURAL CELLULAR DEFENSE we’re getting dramatic results.
One little horse almost died at 2 weeks of age, he had lethal amounts of mercury from a vaccine. We just maintained him, but issues weren’t addressed. We put him on NATURAL CELLULAR DEFENSE and in 2 weeks he tested clean of mercury. Joyce Jackson

After having such success with NCD for myself, I decided to give it to my granddaughter who had just returned from spending the summer with her dad. She came home with 18 warts, they were all over her body. She didn’t want to go back to school because of the warts. I started giving her the NCD three times a day and the wards started to die after a few days on the NCD. With each passing day they become smaller and smaller. My ten year old granddaughter is so happy and in her words says “I LOVE WAIORA, and when I am old enough I will be giving Waiora to people to help them like it has helped me” Linda

Another victory ....after taking the NCD drops for just 2 weeks, the 6 planters wart seeds in the bottom of my foot migrated to the surface of the skin and I simply peeled them off. No more pain, no more tenderness. The "holes" are mending and the calluses are diminishing. Thanks. Trudy Alexander, Montana

During a trip to Iowa in May, I developed a viral infection behind my eardrum. Thinking it was just a cold, I did not go the doctor until mid July and was given a steroid and an antibiotic. My doctor believed that would clear it up in a few days, but it did not improve at all. In Mid August, I began using Natural Cellular Defense. Within a few weeks, the symptoms of the infection were reduced dramatically and have continued to improve to where the symtoms are essentially gone. My wife and my two girls all use NCD to reduce toxins and carcinogens and for its anti-viral properties. What a great product.

For five years my left nostril has been completely blocked. I couldn’t breathe in or out. Every five minutes or so Thick green mucus would drip out. There was no control over it. Every morning I would wake up with green slime all over the bed pillows and sheets. Going out anywhere was a struggle. My nose would be full without me knowing. My kids would not go anywhere with me. They would look at me and point, trying not to be embarrassed. A few weeks ago I learned about N.C.D. I gave it a try and WOW! I now am breathing without a problem! (in just three days at 3 drops – 3 times/day) I was able to cancel my $13,000 operation that was set up for one month. Russ Tulsa, Okla
Dr. Philip, a doctor from Hopewell Junction, NY, decided to try the NCD on one of his patients that currently has throat cancer. He reported this morning, that the patient’s pain has diminished considerably, and her energy levels are up, much to his surprise. It is too early to tell any oncology results, but he is hopeful. He also has been taking the product, and he had a prior injury to his right shoulder where he could not lift it above his head. He doesn’t know how this worked, but after being on the NCD product for a short time, he is able to lift his arm over his head. He has been “pleasantly impressed” with Waiora and the results so far.

I have a propensity to cysts....I've had a couple removed from my face. About three weeks ago I noticed that I had a raised area on one side of my nose (right about where my glasses sit). At first, I thought it was just from my glasses, but after awhile I realized that it is another cyst. It continued to grow and I began to think about going to a plastic surgeon to schedule the removal.
To make a long story short, I decided to put a few drops of the Natural Cellular Defense on it. I figured it couldn't hurt. I did this this morning.....the cyst is almost gone this afternoon. I'm a pretty skeptical person. Ha, I'm a very skeptical person. I don't know if it was a coincidence. I have to admit, my personality leans that way. All I know is the growth that I was worried about is for the most part gone and that makes me very happy. Linda

My name Anna Cunningham, I’m 8 years old. I had a wart on my thumb the size of a pencil erasor for about 5 months. It was ugly, and I didn’t like it. I was biting the skin around it, so that the skin around it was pink and raw. I didn’t like people to see it.
My daddy gave me 4 drops 3 times a day of the Natural Cellular Defense. Sometimes he’d put it on top of the wart. Then it got smaller and smaller, and then it was gone. Now you can’t even see where it was. That took about 2 weeks .
There was another bump that was around my finger nail on my other hand. It was bloody, and a brownish-red color. It was nasty. After about 3 weeks taking the Natural Cellular Defense and putting it on the bump, I peeled it off. The skin underneath was rosy and healed when it peeled off.
I like the Natural Cellular Defense. I put it in my family’s water pitcher in the fridge when my dad went away. I take it every day because it’s good for me. Anna Cunningham, Kauai, HI, Nov 17, 2005

I have been suffering from a never healing lesions on both my legs for the past so many years. Worst of all, I could be very uncomfortable because I was also bothered with a never ending itchiness on my legs. On top of that, I can not wear many of my favorite watches (I love to collect and wear different watches.) because they leave me with skin eruptions and itchiness on my wrist.
I have received different prescriptions from different doctors I have approached about these skin problem. I was told that I have poor blood circulation as a result.
I took the NCD as soon as it was available. AND I saw a dramatic change with my skin problems just after a week of using the NCD. I noticed that the lesions on both my legs started to dry up, itchiness is gone, and I can now use the different watches I want to wear with no wrist skin eruptions.
I don't think I will ever stop to take my daily dose of NCD. Even the scars on my legs are lightening up that I could probably be able to wear shorts now. Thank you Waiora for introducing NCD, my skin problems are now things of the past. Romy Salazar ______________________________________________________________________________
I am so excited about the products. While waiting for my Natural Cellular Defense I ordered the Healthy Aging Formula. After years of sports, I have a bad knee, and have been walking with a limp for the past two years. After three days on the Healthy Aging Formula, the pain was gone, the swelling went down and I was no longer limping! I'm still playing baseball thanks to Waiora! Don Groth (Minnesota) ________________________________________________________________________________
Bob,I have had 3 experiences attributed to NCD use:
1. Herpes Virus:The evening before our return to Denver from 2 weeks in Michigan on vacation I noticed a break out of the Herpes Simplex virus on my left cheek bone near my left eye. We were in the sun a lot on our vacation -playing golf, swimming at the lake, etc and sun is a stressor which has caused breakouts in the past. I have had the virus in my system since about age 8. When I get a breakout it normally takes two weeks or more for it to subside and during that time I feel like I have mono - very tired and ornery. When we got back to Denver the next day, my initial order for NCD was here and i started taking it immediately (which was 24 hours after the breakout). The cold sore like bump on my check bone went away within 2 days and I did not have the mono like feeling. This is the first time in over 50 years that I have had such rapid relief from a breakout.
2. Virus - My wife, daughter and grandsons all came down with a 24 hour flu like virus in early September. I was taking the NCD in a clean out mode (10 drops 3 times per day for 2 weeks) and did not get the stomach ache and diarrhea that they got.
3. Diarrhea - A week ago I had a half day when I hit the toilet a few times. I went back to 10 drops of NCD 2 times and it stopped by the end of the day
I have Crohn's disease and have been very sick due to a staph infection. After only one week of taking Natural Cellular Defense, my infection was almost completely cleared up. I was able to stop taking antibiotics and I feel better than I have for months. Britta Snow, Harriman Tennessee

I have noticed a drastic change in my heartburn. After the first day I took it I was already feeling better. Right then and there I was won over. Before, I would get acid reflux and pain from many foods, not just the foods that I’m not supposed to eat. Sometimes things like tomato sauce or pizza would give me heartburn as it’s going down. Non-acidic foods like bananas or vegetables would come up as acid after I eat them.After taking 3 drops of the Natural Cellular Defense 3 times a day, NO FOODS GAVE ME HARTBURN unless I lied down right after eating them. Last night I ate 2 Taco Bell burritos and lied down right afterwards, and experienced heartburn. I took the Natural Cellular Defense and it decreased the pain and burning feeling slowly, and I woke up feeling fine. Normally I would wake up feeling nauseous if I ate too soon before going to bed.
I can feel it de-acidifying my stomach. I believe long term use of this product, combined with a healthy diet, will heal my esophagus and keep me disease free.
Bodhi Downer, Kauai, HI, Nov 17, 200
My name is Pat L. and I live in Texas. I developed gestational diabeties just over 25 years ago and became insulin dependant. I was first introduced to the Natural Cellular Defense product at the end of August. Since then I have added the Cardio Health Pack. From September to October I was getting my cholesterol levels checked by my doctor. Here are my results:
Sept. 13th Oct. 14th
Cholesterol 227 180
HDL 91 85
LDL 126 78
Triglycerites 48 87
Cholesterol Risk Factor 1.39 .91
I have also seen some slight differences in my blood sugar levels as well. I feel great and I am so thankful that my son Brian C. in Kauai told me about these products.

I had a very severe infection in my throat for which the doctors had me on antibiotics for 5 months. Unfortunately, not only did the medication fail to address the infection, it caused me to develop C-diff colitis a dangerous gastro-intestinal problem. I was taken off the anti-biotics and a couple of weeks later started to take the NCD 10 drops three times daily. Within 4 days, the terrible taste I had experienced from the infection was gone and my doctor said that I should continue to take the NCD for 4 months. The infection was cleared and I now take NCD as directed on the label as a preventive measure. Additionally, I use the Superior Fiber Blend, which has inulin, to address the long term damage caused by the C-diff colitis. Kelley Spear Hudson , Ohio

I have pretty symptomatic GERD (gastric reflux disease). I have DEFINITELY noticed a change since I've started using NCD (about 3 weeks ago). I still take Zantac, but have been able to back off from 20 mgm Prilosec daily. I am excited! Lisa Tulsa Oklahoma
Results from NCD on esophageal reflux Hi Stan - I received a sample bottle of the Natural Cellular Defense at the beginning of July and have been "rationing" it by taking only 3 drops once a day vs the recommended 3 times a day until the product begins shipping in August.
I suffer from esophageal reflux (a pouch in the esophagus that can collect food). In reading the Zeolite White Paper and noticing that zeolite has been effective in reducing gastric reflux - it dawned on me that I have not been having the frequency of reflux issues!
I cannot wait to get my product next week so I can begin taking the recommended dosage. Based on the results to far, I am convinced it will virtually eliminate my reflux issues. Thanks for bringing such a product to market. Bob Hood
I have a cousin, Dan, who 25 years ago was in a coma for a month. During that time he was given large quantities of antibiotics. Consequently, he developed a yeast infection. Over the years he has tried numerous medications and diet changes but, nothing has helped. I just recently found out about the yeast infection and sent him a bottle of Natural Cellular Defense with the instructions to try it and see what happens. After four days he called and said he was seeing an improvement and felt better than he has in years. Each day he is getting better. He loves this stuff and this is what he says about it: "Natural Cellular Defense has gotten me on the path to recovery with this yeast infection because nothing else has worked. I feel better already after four days on NCD. I am using nothing else, so I know it is NCD that is helping me. Thank you Waiora!" Dan Borst Kris & Shawn Riedel
I am type II diabetic and my normally controlled blood sugar reading run between 106-115 before eating in the morning. This is controlled somewhat